It’s been a tradition for many families to gift a sample size of one’s favorite spirit in their stocking hanging neatly over the fire. We’ve complied our signature spirits all in one rectangular box perfect to sit or wrap and place under your tree.
Inside each Holiday Sample Box, you will find:
1 – 50ml bottle of Vitzellen Vodka
Vitzellen vodka is distilled from corn. It’s 42.5% ALC By VOL (85 Proof) and gluten free. Vitzellen Vodka has won multiple gold and bronze medals nationwide. Its subtle, delicious flavors make it an excellent choice for sipping or mixing. Discover the story behind the Vitzellen name.
2 – 50ml bottle of John A.P. Conoley Bourbon Whiskey [American Small Batch]
JAPC bourbon whiskey is distilled from grains and aged less than 2 years. It is 52.5% ALC BY VOL (105 Proof). This American-made bourbon whiskey is crafted using proven processes established in Scotland and Ireland. Discover more about JAPC on our website.
3 – 50ml bottle of JAPC Salted Caramel Spirit
Distilled from grains, natural flavor and color, JAPC Salted Caramel spirit is a fan favorite. It’ is 37.5% ALC BY VOL (75 Proof) and is perfect for sipping all on its own or makes a delicious addition to crafted mixed drinks.
4 – 50ml bottle of JAPC Peanut Butter Flavored Whiskey
JAPC Peanut Butter is distilled from grain containing natural flavor and color. It contains 35% ALC BY VOL (70 Proof). The Peanut butter whiskey has been a favored winner in taste tests among our whiskeys. It’s smooth and subtle peanut butter taste adds to the oaky flavor of our JAPC whiskey.
5 – 50ml bottle of Bombshell Gin
Bombshell Gin is crafted from grains and is 46% ALC BY VOL (92 Proof). Bombshell Gin offers a crisp cucumber flavor.
6 – Bogue Sound Distillery Shot Glass
In addition to a sample of each of our spirits, you also receive a shot glass with the Bogue Sound Distillery Logo printed on it.
For those that know us and our spirits, gift it to friends who need a try! For those who haven’t tried our spirits yet, treat yourself! Share your experience with us on social using #boguesounddistillery. Happy Holidays!
How much does it cost? I need four!
The Holiday 5-pack sampler is $14.95. You can purchase them in the distillery, or in most NC ABC Stores. Give us a call if you need help finding them. 252-354-9131
where can i buy this sample pack for Christmas present that you show here it does not have a place to purchase.
Good afternoon Julie, we sell the sample packs at our distillery. You should also be able to find them at your local ABC liquor store. Thank you!
You can purchase them at the distillery, or in most any NC ABC Store. Give us a call if you need help finding them.
Margaret, I’m in Concord, NC and have been able to fine your gin at one Cabarrus County store. Will this be in all there stores? I need a couple of these for gifts. Thanks!!
I loved the jelly shot 50 ml sample bottle that came with the peanut butter. Where would I be able to purchase these bottles to go with my fifth of peanut butter whiskey?
We sell them at the distillery for $4.95. We are also working on getting our online store open for customers to be able to purchase our non-alcoholic merchandise, including the jelly drop! Thank you for your support!
Can I order your Jelli Drops? LOVE the PBJ taste!
Yes, you can. Will you need it to be shipped?